Messenger's note:

The Chronicles is a series that I have been writing for years, but only for a while putting them into a blog, it has influences from books, anime, comics, and even the music I listen to.

The names of the places in this story may or not be real, but this is fiction, and the story is set in an alternate ambiance, so don't expect total accuracy.

I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do when I write it, even if I take too long to update! xD


Chapters IX --X

Chapter IX: Grace, soko ni arimasu.

Richard walked lazily through Shinju, not minding the people around him, not minding the noise and the laughter. He just walked, smoking a cigarette slowly.

He found himself sitting in a nearby square, taking in the ambiance and the normalcy.

It has been a few days since it was revealed that Setsuna had reincarnated in a new host, as they called it, nothing else had happened, Samael hadn't appeared again. He was worried or maybe a bit anxious.

He looked at a magazine that sat near him and looked through it, his eyes went wide as he looked at an ad.

It was Setsuna, the person carrying Setsuna being a model for a makeup company.

-"A model!?" He blushed a lot and looked away for a moment. He looked at the ad again and read.

-"Mmm I suppose it is a good change of pace, she would have loved that " He stayed looking and reading the ad for a while, with a small smile on his face.

-"Change is good..." 
He whispered to himself still smiling.

Nessa opened the door to her apartment lazily. It was early morning on a Saturday, she had been out all night and was visibly tired.

She threw the keys on the nearby table and hanged her coat on a nearby rack beside the door. She walked toward the kitchen and started the preparations for a good cup of coffee, she giggled softly as she saw the bottles near the trash, some were beer, some were sodas.

She put everything in a real order, washed her hands and finished preparing the coffee. As the drops went into the cup she heard a small voice come from the living room.

-"Mamma..." Alexei said lazily from the living room couch.

-"Hello there..." she said with a smile.

-"You just got here?" he said yawning softly.

-"I did a bit ago, you didn't have to try to wait for me you know"

-"It is not a school night so I could stay up, or try at least, I played rockband all night with the guys" he said blushing a little.

-"Trash gave you guys away (she said laughing a little) did you get high marks?" 

-"We tried but Joe Armand kept trying to be the superstar and kicked the scores down. You know he secretly wants to be like Hammet"

-"I thought he was over that phase, last time I heard he was on the Yngwie phase again " 
she said looking at him laughing a little.

-"I suppose it is part of his lines to the girls he meets" Alexei laughed as he went to the kitchen.

-"Breakfast? (she smiled) I was planning to make some pancakes..." she said opening the cabinets.

-"Yay!" he said enthusiastically and sat on the kitchen table.

It was not rare that they had mornings like this, as if they were living in some sort of happy family show, but they enjoyed that level of normalcy sometimes, it made them feel more human and less prone to think that their gifts made them a target all the time.

-"Ne mamma...(Alexei said after eating a whole pancake in one bite, Nessa hummed in response) thank you..."

-"For what exactly?"

-"No particular reason...I just thank you" He said smiling shyly and resuming eating the rest of the pancakes.

Nessa smiled a little but couldn't help but worry a little. But she resumed her breakfast enjoying Alexei's company.

______End of part I________

Messenger's note: 
The Following Poem in colors are thanks to my friend Naleyger, you can find all of her creations at I just did some translating because I got inspired by it for this part, but the original version is better. Now onto the show with Part II.

"Triste la mañana en que los amantes despiertan, esperando la muerte de sus almas en lenta agonía..." "Sad is the morning in which lovers awaken waiting for the death of their souls in slow agony..."
In his dream, Aleksandr exited Kenji Koba's office somewhat thoughtful and saddened, he had been informed that he would be traveling again to attend some matters regarding the so called by the media 'Koba empire'. He got into his office and sat on his chair and stared into the view of the city before him.

He had known always since he was hired or 'adopted' by Koba that it was one of his duties, but lately it had been getting harder, for reasons that can be dealt with, but nonetheless it was tugging at his heart.

-"Good morning..." a voice got him out of his reverie and made him look toward the door of his office.

He blushed slightly as he saw Nessa at the door with a smile on her face, he smiled and returned the greeting.

-"Early meeting I see..." she said as she came into the office and sat on the nearby chair.

-"Reviewing some know the usual..." somehow he didn't say anything about the assignment he got a few minutes ago. He looked away slightly as if looking for something. She looked at him intendly as if going through a puzzle but smiled as she got up from the chair and waved him as 'goodbye', still with a smile on her face.

He couldn't help but feel bad as he put his head on his desk in frustration.

"...pero esperando la dulce eternidad en que vuelvan a nacer y encontradas sus almas, amarse con pasión desenfrenada, sin que el tiempo o el espacio las separe..." "...but waiting for the sweet eternity in which they are reborn and souls found, love each other with frenzy, without time or space that can separate them..."

The day came in which he had to leave. It had been hard to tell her, she had been sad but understood, it was his duty, and it wasn't going to be for long. And there she was, at his door, helping him with his luggage, smiling sadly. They rode together toward the airport, laughing a little and enjoying each other's company.

"...Mañana triste y fúnebre, las nubes visten de negro el brillante sol, que ilumina los corazones de los amantes enamorados..." "...sad and gloomy morning, the clouds dress in black the shining sun, that illuminates the hearts of lovers..."

It seemed that time passed, Aleksandr stood before a grave, he cried silently. The grave read 'Nadzieja 'Nessa' Karev'.

Aleksandr woke up sweating and gasping for breath, his mobile phone was ringing, he picked it up and answered.

-"Maldievich..." he said breathing almost normally.

"...Felíz mañana que vendrá en el reencuentro del amor y la pasión interrumpida en un instante eterno y un espacio escondido en la multitud..." "...happy morning that will come in the encounter between the love and passion interrupted in an eternal instant and in a space hidden in the crowd..."

Yevgeny and Alexei ran toward Aleksandr's car that was waiting for them on the street. They took off in a hurry, Aleksandr driving as fast as he could.

"...Amores eternos en un segundo instantáneo, donde se fuga el amor a un lugar lejano en un tiempo remoto, en el que alma y alma eran una.
.." "...eternal love in an instant second, where love flees to a faraway place in a distant time in which soul and soul were one..."
Nessa stood fighting with several demons around her, each stroke of her blade killed a demon, but another replaced it, after a while she was overwhelmed, lost in darkness, feeling the weight of the demons around her on her body. She gave in.

The dream had ended...but his nightmare may have begun...

_____End of part II_______

Alexei waited for his cue hidden in the rooftop of a house beside Hikawa Temple. Weapons in hand he stood in view of all the perimeter, hidden in darkness by a spell, not even the owners of the house he was on knew of his prescense.

-"Dudes, I've been here all freaking night, what are we here again?" Alexei spoke in his mind and in his mind he heard.

-"Patience..." Yevgeny answered a tad annoyed.

-"I wonder what is she trying to do, this is going without protocol...or a plan for that matter" Joe Armand said into the conversation.

-"This is not exactly a church we are staking out..." Alexei said as a matter of factly.

-"It is a place of worship nonetheless..." Yevgeny said still a tad annoyed.

-"Why would it she ask to meet here? and I had a date mind you..." Joe Armand said sighing in frustration.

-"If this was an actual stake out involving demons we would be discovered and guys talk too much" Nessa intervened suddenly in a mock serious tone, everyone went silent and replied in unison.

-"Sorry Nessa"

-"It won't be much longer, she should be here any minute now..." 
She said smiling a little by herself as she waited inside the temple. She chuckled slightly at their ramblings within their mind link so to speak, it was their way of talking when they could not speak.

-"Roger!" they replied again in unison.

Witold stood in the rooftop of the Koba Building, deep in thought as if trying to decipher a puzzle in his head.

The wind blew furiously near him as he closed his eyes.

-"Charles Daniel..." Witold whispered slightly smiling and turning around to find his friend.

-"Witek" Charles smiled broadly.

-"I'm sorry to get you out of the confinements of the cemetery, I know you hate moving from there"

-"Not at all my friend, was there something you needed?"

-"Tell me what she is up to..." at this Charles laughed

-"You know I can't break confidence, I can't rat her out, but I can tell you that she may be in danger. However it is not up to us to act on this."

-"You will have to do better than that"

-"You haven't regained her complete need to move your behind on that. Besides the curse of the times now cannot be changed, you cannot change anything anymore, not like last time." he said chuckling slightly.

-"It is quite...difficult if she keeps treating me as if nothing is wrong and being all...whatever she is being right now..." Witold said sighing in frustration, Charles laughed a little.

-"Things have changed my friend, she grew up, she moved on...a lot has happened in these 3 years"

-"I'm not sure if I'm satisfied with the direction she is taking..." Witold said passing a hand through his hair.

-"You are worried about Aleksandr I take it?"

-"No...yes...maybe...I don't know..." He said blushing a little as he answered the question with Charles laughing a little in each word he said.

-"You never change...I'm glad actually about that"


-"A degree of normalcy maybe, who knows? it is quite amusing for me to know now that you are still the same Witold I knew when I was alive..." Witold smiled at this looking away toward the sky.

-"I'm not sure if that is a good thing..."

-"For now, it is" Charles Daniel waved 'bye' to his friend and left the rooftop carried by the wind back to his resting place.

______End of part III_______

-"Nadzieja...long time no see..." 
Said a figure approaching her, but she felt no threat. She bowed in response and the figure motioned her to seat in a nearby bench.

-"Sorry to bother you, but I am in need of your guidance, or advise..." 
she said looking around the room, mentally planning a possible escape if attacked.

-"What worries you?"

-"Whatever Charles Daniel is hiding from me..." 
the figure chuckled a little.

-"You come to me yet again for the same ordeal...
(At this Nessa could not help to look confused, the figure chuckled in amusement) you came to me years ago, looking for answers to questions even yourself could not grasp"

-"I do not remember..." 
Nessa said looking away slightly embarrassed.

-"I see the healer did a terrible job on your memory..."

-"Do not rub that in..." 
Nessa said with a serious tone.

-"Have you regained some of it?"

-"Not really, but I try my best to act accordingly...if you can say that..."

-"I must say I admire you, you forgave him. Either you are incredibly naive or you know a truth hidden in the shadows, but my intention is not to dwell on the past, I sense you are in a great disturbance.

-"I know that I do not need your permission to dwell in your realm, but I must ask something of you..." Nessa said slowly as if thinking her words carefully, the figure arched an eyebrow questionably.

-"She is not home..." Aleksandr said to Witold as he got up to the floor in which Nessa's apartment was located. Witold jumped in surprise.

-"Where can she be?" Witold said rather surprised but breathing easier now.

-"Something tells me I have to wait though..."

-"The problem is for what exactly..." Witold said as he sat beside Aleksandr.

-"We are in deep shit..." 
A voice was heard beside them.

Witold said suddenly. Aleksandr turned around puzzled.

-"She is at Hikawa and that is why I came. It has started, time will start its course now"

-"Hikawa? what is she doing there?"

-"Hikawa?...oh no!" Aleksandr stood up quickly.

-"Did you dream of this?" both Witold and Charlie said in unison.

-"I had hoped it was just a bad dream!" said Aleksandr as he ran away. Witold stood up but stayed dumbfounded. Charles Daniel nudged him.

-"What are you waiting for, a photograph!? Go after him!!" 

-"What you asked for, is...incredibly courageous of you, incredibly stupid as well..." The figure said taking a breath.

-"I know it comes with a price..." Nessa said her voice audibly shaken.

-"I wouldn't worry about that are a friend of my realm after all"

-"So you agree?"

-"It will bear consequences on your end, are you sure you are ready to proceed?"

-"It is something I must do..."

-"I will give you time to prepare, and to let you say what you need to say to the people you want. I am Death, the keeper of my realm, but I'm not insensitive..."

-"I thank you" 
She said as she stood up and bowed slightly.

-"No need...Although I foresee complications" 
said the figure standing up as well.

-"They will have to understand eventually..." 
Nessa said with a sad smile.

-"I will bear you farewell for now then, and good luck" 
The figure said as it left the temple.

-"Farewell..." Nessa said with a wave and a sad smile.

______End of part IV_______

He paced back and forth in the room, as if talking to himself he moved his hands in the air slightly. He was thinking, he was pondering the situation, the possible situation that he an be confronted with.

He did this, waiting in the room adjacent to Mr. Koba's office, he was waiting for Nessa to get out of Mr. koba's office, but he could listen to the argument inside.

His name being called took him out of his reverie.

-"Witold..." Aleksandr called from the doorframe, watching his friend with a raised eyebrow.

-"Oh (he said turning around) Alek, sorry, were there you there long?" he said slightly embarrased.

-"No..." Aleksandr said as he entered the room and sat in the nearest char he could find.

-"I take it you know what is going on there..." Witold said pointing the room beside them.

-"Yes, for the most part..."

-"Do you know the outcome?"

-"On a 'father-daughter' argument? (he chuckled) not possible, specially with that daughter"

-"But you do know what she wants to do..." Witold said somewhat sadly after laughing a little at the last remark.

-"I would like to think that it is not inevitable, but you my friend should know that it was going to happen...regardless of our intervention."

-"This is exactly what I wanted to avoid, (he sighed in frustration) after Charles's death there were so many questions, feelings, nightmares...I just couldn't keep was wrong...but I didn't think of anything else back then."

-"I am not your judge..."

-"Except my friend, I can see in my mind what you are thinking..." he said with a sad smile.

Inside Mr. Koba's office Nessa sat deiantly opposite the figure she saw as a parent, the parent who had adopted her, at least in spirit many years ago.

-"I have to know...I tried to do that years ago, but you know well I was 'stopped' in my tracks!" she said visibly upset.

-"Just because you can linger in the deathworld doesn't mean you have to risk your life on it!"

-"It has the answers I need!"

-"And also the very person who has wanted to eliminate you for years!"

-"Demian du Lancret has no power in the deathrealm..."

-"That you know of..."

-"I'm not a child anymore..." she said sighing frustrated.

-"I know that you are not a child, and that I'm not your father, but I have helped raise you over the years and I think, or at least I would like to think I have some authority or right to have an opinion...let it go...there is nothing you can do but try to remember on your own without going into the realm and get that info by force..." He said sitting down with a frustrated sigh.

-"I understand your concern, but it is something I must do and frankly I don't think that you can stop me"

-"And what about Alexei?"

-"You wouldn't..."

-"Oh not me, the child has a mind of his own, and a big one. He will put up a fight."

-"I know..." 
She said looking away.

-"Not to mention two men, that are probably hidden in the next room listening to us, that won't give up easy into convincing you to desist."

-"Joe and Yev will support me, they can come in if I need them to"

-"Yevgeny and Joe are always ready for a ride..." 
She laughed a little, easing the mood around them as the afternoon settled in. She thought deeply into her future actions, she thought deeply into her life at that moment.

But it would be all left to grace, the one that is there...

---------End of chapter IX-------

Chapter X: Sleepwalker's Dream.

It began, a dream of many dreams.

He woke up as usual, early riser by nature he stretched still in bed and sighed, but a content sigh into the morning.

He strolled towards the bathroom, showered, brushed his teeth, shaved and went to the room to get dressed. He approved himself in the mirror nearby and went toward the kitchen, made his breakfast, ate, and grabbed his keys and headed to the door.

He decided to walk that day to work, it was a gorgeous day outside, so he decided to make most of it. It was not far from his apartment, a plus in this day and age.

As he got into the building he waved 'hello' to the number of workers as he made his way toward his floor and office. Grabbing the elevator, pushed his number and whistled the way through.

When the elevators' doors opened, he found the usual chaos, Yevgeny cursing at some code on his computer, Joe Armand on the phone and on his mobile, picking girls with one and working with the other. Richard fighting with a copy machine, his secretary doing something else, and Witold reviewing some written documents.

But he saw that there was not Nessa to be found...'where was Nessa?' he would think.
He strolled to her office, but saw no one, papers everywhere on her desk, CDs, DVDs, headphones, action figures on the shelves along with manuals and tutorials. It looked busy, but it was silent.

-"She will be back...(He heard someone said beside him, but it was someone he was surprised to see. It was Charles Daniel, in the flesh, clad in a white suit) what, no hug?" He asked seeing his face, clearly in shock.

The dream had ended. He awoke with shudder almost screaming. He looked around to see himself in his room and on his bed. He got out of the bed and walked toward the kitchen to get something to drink. He saw the clock on the wall that read the wee hours of the night. He turned and saw some suitcases on his living room, his heart sank a little, reality kicked him.

-"You can't sleep?" Said Alexei that came out from the other room on the apartment.

-"Not much..." Aleksandr said sitting on a nearby kitchen chair.

-"Sorry I chrashed your place, I didn't feel like staying home...too...silent" The child said as he sat on the other chair.

-"Want something?"

-"Milk please...Nessa would give me milk when I couldn't sleep"

-"Sure thing..." He said going towards the fridge.

-"She'll be back, won't she?" The child asked suddenly.

-"She will be back..." Said Aleksandr said remembering Charles Daniel from his dream, a few moments ago.

He remembered her smile as she left, her smile as she leapt from the building and then it was darkness.

_____End of part I_______

It was then that they walked together in silence, entered the building before them and rode the elevator to the top floor, saying a quick 'hello' to the doorman on the way. Then walked toward a flight of stairs toward the rooftop and there they found her.

Nessa sat on the floor, eyes closed, writing with her finger on the floor, to the naked eye it was maybe unseen gibberish, but to them it meant something.

Yevgeny and Joe Armand sat beside her, closing their eyes as well. The crafters together made the wind blow around them, they said nothing, but their craft spoke volumes at that moment. They were on a ritual, a ritual that had the purpose of unifying them as a whole, unify them as crafters.

In their minds they said spells, spells to guard them, spells to enable their minds to wander, spells that would help them stay alive.

The wind suddenly stopped blowing around them, and they opened their eyes to see themselves engulfed with a new light. Yevgeny could not help to shed a tear and look away slightly, sadly, noticing the cross on his neck, as well on the other's necks.

-"You better calls us if you need us, we can kick some demon ass as well you know..." Joe Armand said, looking saddened, picking the cross on his neck with his hand and playing with it.

-"We are bound to each other as crafters, you will hear me if I need you..." Nessa said with a smile, a smile that reflected a hint of sadness.

-"The kid is not going to like this..." Yevgeny spoke softly.

-"No, but he will understand, he has to..." Nessa said looking at Yevgeny with a small smile, helping him clearing up his newfound tears.

-"Yeah...and it is not like she is not coming back...'cause you're coming back, right?" Joe Armand said trying to lighten the somber mood. She nodded her response and embraced her friends, comrades and fellow crafters.

Nighttime in the city, Yevgeny and Joe found themselves noticing on the streets several demons in disguise, all looking at them, as if waiting for a provocation or an order.

-"Looks like they know..." Said Joe Armand waving a 'hello' towards them.

-"But another will bite the dust..." Yevgeny said, looking around the surounding area

-"And I wanted a quiet evening (he sighed) oh well, nothing can be done about it..." Joe armand said summoning his sword with a wink toward the demons.

-"Let's play then" Yevgeny said summoning his own and with a wicked smile.

In another part of town, the dreamweaver dreamt another dream, Aleksandr awoke with a shudder and a scream.

_____End of part II______

Yevgeny and Joe Armand slashed their swords killing some demons with one blow, their poise and skill present in every move.

Joe turned to his right and thrusted a dagger in a demon and with his sword cut the head of another. Yevgeny mumbled a spell and made a small row of demons fall to the ground as he ran and cut their heads off with the same stroke. Several fell victim of another kind of weaponry, unseen, unheard, stealth. Yevgeny and Joe sighed in relief and made a sort of victory signal in the air.

-"Yo! Alexei about time you got here!" Joe said in his mind. Turning around, making another signal in the air, but this time one that showed caution.

On a secluded area, stealth and skillful stood Alexei with his weapon watching everything waiting for it to be clear for him to fire. His eyes white as they become when he calls his craft. Behind the white eyes he could see the energy and aura of the people in the area, only that, the rest was darkness to him, making him realize who he had to encounter.

-"No big goons so far, just regular goons...wait! (he fired his weapon, a darkened arrow, that pierced a demon and made it fall to the ground and disappear) no, no big goon, a regular..." he said in his head.

-"Keep and eye out then, there must be somebody controlling this!" 
Yevgeny said in his head as well as he slashed another demon on his chest and left it to die.

Meanwhile Joe Armand parried and thrusted his sword with a beat on his head.

-"Vamos demonio sal a bailar, que tu lo haces fenomenal, tu cuerpo se mueve como una palmera, suave suave suave su su suave suave suave su su suave" he sang as he took out the heads of demons on his way with skill similar to chinese movies as the beat gave him the pace.

-"Got your viral fix? in Spanish no less, those lessons going well I gather?" Yevgeny asked while stiffling a laugh and cutting apart a demon in front of him. Joe Armand laughed and kept hitting the demons in front of him.

They were full of demon blood, they were tired, but demons kept coming at them, they thanked the gods for Alexei being in point as their bodyguard of sorts, but they still wondered as they put more demons to death, 'when does it end?'.

Joe Armand cursed for enphasis as he cut the head of a demon on the ground. The demons suddenly stopped attacking them, they stopped going toward them, they stood still as if they were awaiting orders. The crafters kept their stance nonetheless, years of training kicking in gear.

-"Dude...that was creepy" Alexei said in his mind, sniper mode activated from the get go, his eyes going to normal for a bit, then back to white as the craft came back to him.

-"What do you see kid?" Joe Armand sad keeping a defensive stance with his sword. The demons stood as statues.

-"Just them...nothing more...that is the creepy part, no superior aura, just these guys, but they reproducing fast" Alexei murmured something and he switched locations a couple of times as he whispered a spell, trying to get a better angle, a better look at what was happening.

-"It could be that Nessa pissed someone off?" Yevgeny asked almost to himself.

-"This feels no good at all my friend..." Joe Armand said still in a defensive stance looking side to side.

In another part of town, Aleksandr and Witold held a defensive stance as well as a number of demons also stood still around them. Aleksandr's breath came out shallow as held his 3 piece staff before him, Witold knelt in the ground holding his sword before him.

-"I need info now Richard!" Witold said in his head. Not and answer.

-"Could it be that she found it?..." Aleksandr said softly, Witold looked at him as if he was crazy.

-"I would like to think that she is in a better place..." 

-"She is where she is supposed to go..."

Witold then started to fill himself with rage and started attacking the unmoving demons, slashing and ripping them apart with his sword, screaming at the top of his lungs.

Every demon fell, not a move they made, blood spattered everywhere.

Aleksandr looked toward the ground, trying to keep his composure, trying not to fill himself with rage as well, but then something happened. A demon moved toward him and him noticing this cracked its head with his staff with one hand, almost in some sort of reflex. It was then that he exploded in rage and started eliminating demons one by one.

His moves were almost taken out of a epic chinese film, but the rage on his face and the outburst in his voice as he came in contact with a demon were worthy of a medieval fighting movie.

Yevgeny, Joe and Alexei followed, them in their own reverie, killing and dusting some of the demons among them.

Blood, tiredness, yells, frustration, neverending is their fate for now, to fight on their own...

In another world yet in the same place, Nadzieja, or Nessa as her friends call her, walked the streets among those who have died, and those who remain conscious in a world of death.

The world of the dead, was the same as the world of the living, the same streets, the same environment, the same buildings, yet the world of the dead had only those who are dead and those who can cross between worlds, all reigned by the Lady Death, who controlled the surroundings, not missing a beat.

Nessa walked clad in her black boots and outfit, her weapons concealed, with a focus, knowing her destination. She stopped at a nearby pub, one that she knew in the world of the living, but this time it lay almost empty.

She approached to the bar and sat on a stool near another patron concealed in a big coat. Nessa turned toward the patron and smiled.

"Fancy place you decided to meet me..." she said almost in a laugh.

The patron moved toward her and took away its coat revealing a girl, resembling exactly like Nessa.

-"You're one to are the one who scheduled this." the girl said smiling as well and with a wink drank a bit from a glass she had in front of her.

Thunderclap was heard in the city of the world of the living, the warriors fighting looked toward the sky with a solemn face. Alexei wiped his eyes, Aleksandr looked at the moon with sadness in his eyes, Witold looked away and cursed.

Their faces could be seen from different places it seemed, their faces reflecting what would happen soon, one of the outcomes possible.

It is the Sleepwalker's dream one of which he doesn't want to get up, but it is this nightmare he faces that he can't erase with a good dream, one that he cannot awake from.

Sometime before, Nessa stood in the rooftop of her building, the wind playing with her hair,  her eyes closed in delight. Aleksandr approached her and held her hand with a small smile, she smiled as she looked at him and said 'hi'.

-"So...we are here." Aleksandr said softly, blushing almost, like a child.

-"Yes, we are..."

-"Do you really have to go?" Aleksandr pleaded with her with his eyes.

-"You know that better than dreamt it, you know what I must do." She blushed slightly.

-"Some dreams we can change, some we can form ourselves..." He said with a solemn face, holding her hand.

-"Some dreams are meant to be lived..." She said holding his hand as well. He looked away for a moment, trying to hide his sudden sadness.

-"Just because he did what he did you don't have to go there, you really don't!" he said almost pleading with her to stay wth his voice.

-"I am not going there because of him! I have to do this, and I'm the only one who can!" She said rather frustrated now, looking away.

He looked at her part ashamed of his outburst, part saddened. 

He hugged her suddenly, she hugged him back and punched him slightly on his side, playfully almost.

-"You big goof..." she sniffled as a tear came down on her face, laughing slightly.

She walked toward the edge of the roof and looked back at him, he stared at her. As she held up her hand to wave a 'goodbye' he ran and grabbed her hand.

-"You are coming back, it is not negotiable!" he said almost in a whisper, giving her another hug surprising her. He then stood inches before her, putting his forehead against hers, a hard thing to do since he was taller.

-"Really?" she asked smiling a little.

He smiled closing his eyes, then she suddenly kissed his lips slightly and pulled away from him, him not realizing it at that exact moment, he opened his eyes in surprise as she waved at him and jumped from the roof.

He ran to the edge and watched her fall as if she were to fly at any given moment.

She felt the wind beneath her, the sounds of the city surrounding her, Aleksandr cried out for her holding tightly to the edge of the roof itself.

She murmured a spell and smiled...

-"Goodbye..." she said in the end.

Then, she dissapeared into the air.

----------End of Chapter X----------