This time I would like use this post as the opportunity to thank my friend Adictisima for a cool prize she gave to some of her friends, including me. It is the case of the prize called "It is the friendship that binds us" (roughly translated into English from the Spanish "Nos une la amistad"). Here is her original post: Adictisima's prize.
By the way, you should check her blog if you want to know details of your favorite series, and if you are a fan of 24, which she adores to no end xD. And of course if you appreciate the comments on different situations =).
Now to give the prize to some of my friends, I know I read a lot of blogs (including the ones on the "The upkeep" found on this blog, so do not feel left out of you don't find yourself in this prize list I find you all brilliant in your own way); so in my heart the wind carries a lot of good things for you.
Insert the drumroll please...xD

I have to start with Manuel, a.k.a: Zamuro, and his blog: Y volvemos al punto. Which at the moment is going through a process but as soon as it is up again I'll edit the post, you can find it in the upkeep also if you are as impatient as sometimes I am. Manuel has been an amazing friend to me, regardless of my weirdness, he has supported me through tough times, although some people would say he is rather odious I find him to be an honest and sincere person and not many are like that, so that is why i love him to death, among all his other qualities.
I also have to mention my friend Johana, a.k.a: Jannita and her blog: Mon lieu.
it has been a joy to have her a as friend =).
Jesus, a.k.a: Angel_y2k, and his blog: Peluza en la red. Love him to death as he is my little sibling from the wired even if sometimes he is a little emo, I still love him xD.
The Ace, Guillermo, and the infinity that burns around him, and maybe around everyone. A good soul always in the works.
Luis, a.k.a: Saiki, a friend that cried with me a lot, and had guilty pleasures such as watching Laguna Beach, a good writer himself, he also has helped me edit some of the Warriors' stuff.

So that is it for now, to all of you my friends and fellow bloggers I also extend my salute, for you are part of this realm as well. Thanks for your creativity and the will to make good friends as well.
As always may the wind carry the songs you desire...see you next time!
1 comment:
Aaaawwwww :-) I've got a prize! *rolleyes* So, what should I say now? Ehmm...*coughs* I cant sing or..can I? xD
*sings* Pooorque un amigo es una luuuzzzzz que brilla en la oscuuuuuriiiiidaaad *saca el yesquero* Siempre serás mi amiiiiggooo, no importa nadaaa mas xD
No, seriamente. En este año me he ganado excelentes amistades, he aprendido y he sufrido...Y lo mas chévere es que en este proceso he hecho amigos como tú, personas que valen la pena. Aprovecho el momento para agradecerte por las mil y una veces que me has escucchado en mis momentos emos, en mis momentos de rabias o simplemente para burlarnos del vídeo mas 'pavoso' que salga en primera línea en YouTube.
Salut mon ami,
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