Messenger's note:

The Chronicles is a series that I have been writing for years, but only for a while putting them into a blog, it has influences from books, anime, comics, and even the music I listen to.

The names of the places in this story may or not be real, but this is fiction, and the story is set in an alternate ambiance, so don't expect total accuracy.

I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do when I write it, even if I take too long to update! xD


May 2, 2008

Chapter 9: Grace, soko ni arimasu. Part V.

He paced back and forth in the room, as if talking to himself he moved his hands in the air slightly. He was thinking, he was pondering the situation, the possible situation that he an be confronted with.

He did this, waiting in the room adjacent to Mr. Kobayashi's office, he was waiting for Nessa to get out of Mr. kobayashi's office, but he cold listen to the argument inside.

His name being called took him out of his reverie.

-"Witold..." Aleksandr called from the doorframe, watching his friend with a raised eyebrow.

-"Oh (he said turning around) Alek, sorry, were there you there long?" he said slightly embarrased.

-"No..." Aleksandr said as he entered the room and sat in the nearest char he could find.

-"I take it you know what is going on there..." Witold said pointing the room beside them.

-"Yes, for the most part..."

-"Do you know the outcome?"

-"On a 'father-daughter' argument? (he chuckled) not possible, specially with that daughter"

-"But you do know what she wants to do..." Witold said somewhat sadly after laughing a little at the last remark.

-"I would like to think that it is not inevitable, but you my friend should know that it was going to happen...regardless our intervention."

-"This is exactly what I wanted to avoid, (he sighed in frustration) after Charles's death there were so many questions, feelings, nightmares...I just couldn't keep was wrong...but I didn't think of anything else."

-"I am not your judge..."

-"Except my friend, I can see in my mind what you are thinking..." he said with a sad smile.

Inside Mr. Kobayashi's office Nessa sat deiantly opposite the figure she saw as a parent, the parent who had adopted her, at least in spirit many years ago.

-"I have to know...I tried to do that years ago, but you know well I was 'stopped'!" she said visibly upset.

-"Just because you can linger in the deathworld doesn't mean you have to risk your life on it!"

-"It has the answers I need!"

-"And also the very person who has wanted to eliminate you for years!"

-"Demian du Lancret has no power in the deathrealm..."

-"That you know of..."

-"I'm not a child anymore..." she said sighing frustrated.

-"I know that you are not a child, and that I'm not your father, but I have helped raise you over the years and I think I think I have some authority or right...let it go...there is nothing you can do but try to remember on your own without going into the realm and get that info by force..." He said sitting down with a frustrated sigh.

-"I understand your concern, but it is something I must do and frankly I don't think that you can stop me, not even you"

-"And what about Alexei?"

-"You wouldn't..."

-"Oh not me, the child has a mind of his own, and a big one. He will put up a fight."

-"I know..."
She said looking away.

-"Not to mention two men, that are probably hidden in the next room listening to us, that won't give up easy into convincing you to desist."

-"So you know the other spellhowlers support me"

-"Yevgeny and Joe are always ready for a ride..."

She laughed a little, easing the mood around them as the afternoon settled in. She thought deeply into her future actions, she thought deeply into her life at that moment.

But it would be all left to grace, the one that is there...

-End of chapter-

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