Nadzieja stood outside the balcony looking around the streets, watching the people go by.
She had woken up a bit ago, when she awoke she saw Witold sleeping beside her on a chair. She didn't know at first where she was, but somehow it all fell into place as she rose from the bed.
His room was dark, his curtains were closed but she could see faint rays of light coming through the seams of his curtains.
She looked around her, she found his room to be impersonal, had he moved recently? she was surprised as to how much everything changed, how long was she in the world of the dead? the room didn't seem familiar to her at all, if so how did she get there if this was a new place?
She pondered while looking at the streets, she smiled softly as she saw in her mind her tour of sorts of Witold's place. She saw books, old and dusty, she remembered gifting a couple of these to him a long time ago. Notebooks everywhere, a laptop and some cups of coffee.
She turned on her feet and peeked inside of the room, Witold still lay asleep on the nearby chair, arms sprawled to his sides, he even snored a little. She giggled softly as she heard him.
She walked back inside the room and took a second look at his bookcase and desk, something caught her attention this time. An open notebook on the table near where his computer lay, she could see writings on it, the writing was frantic, disturbed as if the person who wrote the text was in deep distress. She went through the pages as if trying to get the emotion out of its pages, trying to sense what was happening as the person wrote these words.
She realized then that it was his writing, she frowned at this as she read the words, the phrases. These were not only mere thoughts, she realized then these were also spells, spells of sorts. What he was trying to do? what were these about?
She kept on reading, trying to tie the words together in her mind. She noticed the trend of certain words: "śmierć", "śmierć", "śmierć", "śmierć" she saw this word multiple times. What did it mean? She never got to learn Polish, just basic conversation to get by.
She went through the pages looking for other clues, she kept seeing that word, but never tied the words. She cursed silently for not knowing the meaning of the word. She closed the book in frustration. However she put it in her pocket. She was taking this for further reading. At least for the moment.
She looked at him again, her mind resolute. She was going to get answers somehow, even though the meaning of the words were not clear, she knew that Witold may be up for something rather dangerous.
-"No, not this again, not like this" She whispered.
End of Part III
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