Messenger's note:

The Chronicles is a series that I have been writing for years, but only for a while putting them into a blog, it has influences from books, anime, comics, and even the music I listen to.

The names of the places in this story may or not be real, but this is fiction, and the story is set in an alternate ambiance, so don't expect total accuracy.

I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do when I write it, even if I take too long to update! xD


January 18, 2012

Chapter 11: Comebacks Part IV

She poked him slightly on his arm. No response, he snored slightly instead.

She sighed and sat on the bed beside him.

Nadzieja was bored...fully awake at dawn.

She was pondering still about what she had found in Witold's notebook, still in her mind something was terribly wrong about those words she could not understand, but she would find answers by her own means.

She looked around again to see his room. Some things were different, how much time had it been? in her mind a few months...but it didn't seem that way in the "real world".

He looked definately older, more scruffy looking. Longer hair, a pseudo beard forming, thinner definately.

She wondered also how the others were, and she felt the craving to just leave and go to her place, but she did not want to be rude or worry Witold.

She laughed inwardly, in another time she would have not cared much about that. But ever since she regained herself from the world of the dead, she felt a different person.

Different person, or the person she is supposed to be? 

That is only something she can due time.

---End of Chapter---

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